Sunday, October 31, 2010

Superb weekend...

Perfect Saturday indeed, with all 5 recommendations winning; Madrid, Barca, Arsenal, Everton and Fulham. That brings our strike rate to 19 winning recommendations out of 22 (86%) since the start of my blog. My aim is to reach and be consistently over the 95% rate. As also previewed, Chelsea and Man Utd found it hard to get their 3 points, which validates the previous blog that they were not guaranteed wins.

Being on a winning roll like this, it's tempting to go on a betting rampage; a false sense of invincibility starts to set in, giving you the feeling that everything you touch turns into gold! This is where I have to repeat to myself my first rule of betting: discipline, discipline, and discipline! You can so easily lose those recent winnings by just speculating on a few other bets. By being disciplined, you differentiate and eliminate the hopeful bets from the guaranteed ones. That said, looking at the Monday racing card or football match-ups, I can't see anything to recommend as a sure bet. But there is a big week of Champions League football ahead of us, so there will no doubt be a lot of opportunities to pounce on this week, and I'll keep you posted.

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